Tuesday 8 March 2016

Say Yes to Equality

Image Courtesy: huffingtonpost.co.uk

Last year on Woman’s Day, I used this space to narrate tales of two women who were bold and beautiful. While I am still in awe of every woman out there who dares to live a life of their choice; my thoughts have taken a slightly different route this year.

I’d like all you pals, men and women alike, to help me understand a few things:

Why Women's Day?
Are we only entitled to a minor share on the number of days on the calendar, as well?

What exactly is this term called women’s rights?
I prefer calling it human rights.

Why is there a need to empower women?
Just recognize our power and worth, you won't need to empower anybody anymore.

Women’s Liberation – what’s that!?!

I am true to my ideology when I ask people not to put women on a pedestal. There is no need. Just treat them as an equal. We come with our own strengths and weaknesses. Yes, we are special and so are men. As a woman, I’d plead to live and let me live.

In the recent past, the papers announced that a certain celebrity couple was contemplating on divorce. Among the many ‘duh?!?’ comments I heard flying in and around me, this one was the undisputed ruler – ‘Nowadays, just because they work and make some money, women think they don’t need a husband. Just look at the rising number of divorce rates!’

When you logically decipher that comment in your head you get an equation, which looks like:
Women + Job = Divorce + Happy Women

Is that so? I have a question to people who justify this thought:
Is financial security the only thing a man has to offer in a marriage?
The comment I heard can be justified only if the answer to this is a yes, right?

If it is a yes, I'm sorry but you were cooking marriage with the divorce recipe.

Coming back to women's day...

Thank you for all the cheers and messages glorifying womanhood. I know that there are people out there who really mean it too. 

But, what we really need is peaceful co-existence, which evolves from mutual respect. I am not a feminist and I don’t intend to be one. Feminism, to me, is the same as that of chauvinism.

Try shedding the coat of chauvinism; chances are that you will see feminism vanishing like fog disappearing on a sunny morning.

Let us join hands to gift a world of equality to the younger generation. We need to be together simply for the joy of being together! Relationships are built on emotions; it is the application of logic that often spoils it.

Let's strive to be humans with compassion. Everything else will just fall in place.

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Unknown said...

Excellent read...Bismol. You've echoed my thoughts completely..

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