Saturday 7 March 2015

Two Tales and a Few Thoughts

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Today, let me tell you an old story – two actually.

These are stories of two women – one whom I know personally, and the other whom I am acquainted with only through a story. Both the stories and the ladies are real, except for their names, which I wish to be discreet about. Let’s call them Percy and Mercy.

Mercy’s youth tells the tale of a girl madly in love with her neighbor – a charming boy for the times. In all circles of the country side where they lived, she was considered as one of the prettiest and one who was bestowed with many a talents. Though there was hardly any reason to make a hue and cry for the elders to permit a fruitful maturity to this relationship, they chose to unfold a drama. But, the lovebirds stuck to their resolve and eventually it ended up in a fairy tale wedding.

Percy, on the other hand, hails from a family totally orthodox by nature. Her marriage was arranged and she too settled into her husband’s home like every new bride does - with hopes and dreams for a peaceful life ahead.

Except for the fact that both these ladies hail from two different states of the country, their life was similar. Both were home makers merged into a joint family set up.

In course of their marriage, Mercy, the conqueror of her dreams, got to deal with physical violence, a forced abortion, an unfaithful and later bedridden husband, hurricane of financial issues and finally the life of a widow. In her venture for a meaning and happiness in life, she taught herself to be comfortable and content with the life she had. She was truly grateful for the two beautiful children she was blessed with, which was after all a fruit of her marriage. That was possibly the first entry in her book of gratitude, which she subconsciously prepared in her pursuit of happiness. Needless to say, she dealt with all the odds of life in a fashion, which is most acceptable to the older generation and most often frowned upon by ours. But I did notice that her serene beauty always remained with her. She always came out happy and pretty – not a hair out of place - no matter what the situation was at home. This, according to me, bears the fact that somewhere, somehow she always resorted to finding peace with herself. She, I know, always lived for her children and today she has successfully married off both her girls in the best manner possible.

Percy’s story is more revolutionary, especially considering the fact that this story is more than two decades old. She, I am told, had to deal with an entire household, when she learned that she was pregnant. She was asked to abort the child for it was a girl. When she couldn't take the pressure anymore, she chose to leave and hoped to find shelter at her maiden home. Her orthodox father was not very welcoming to this idea. He may have never turned her out, but he never warmed up to her either. Her mother, thankfully, gave her all the support that she could possibly give. Percy, I am sure, wouldn't have had a concrete plan during this unfortunate episode. All she knew was that she wouldn't let any harm befall upon the life that was growing within her. So, during her pregnancy she applied for whatever jobs her eyes fell on. When she was full term, she received an interview card from one of the most prominent nationalized banks of our country. During a period of trial, luck almost always takes a backseat. So it should be no surprise that on the night that preceded her interview, she went into labor. In the wee hours of the morning she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

Percy lay in the hospital ward thinking of her life ahead. One can fathom the turmoil that would have ran through her, each time she looked at her baby. Yes, she protected the life this Universe bestowed to her care. But, how will she sustain the little one and herself? She knew she had to make it to the interview simply as a self assurance that she had reached some milestone in her search for a job. So, entrusting her baby to her mother, within a few hours of her child birth, Percy set off to give her interview directly from the hospital. .
At the interview, after a couple of questions, she was asked the reason behind her rather pale and tired appearance. She simply admitted that she gave birth just a few hours back but didn't want to miss out on the interview. I love the fact that she didn't resort to tears nor did she relate any sad stories.

The interview concluded with the interviewer admitting that Percy didn't stand anywhere close when compared to the others lined up for the interview, but appreciated her spirit, will power and perseverance. The appreciation, thank goodness, was not limited to words alone for she got that job. I believe, to this day, she is a loyal employee at that bank. Today, her daughter too is happily married off.

I do not wish to give an opinion on who is right or wrong here. When I broadly look at both their lives, I see the struggle that both had to put up with. One was submissive to the rules laid by society while the other chose to break out of those shackles. I do not believe either of the paths adopted offered a life of roses. The remarkable quality that calls for respect is that both just didn't give up.

My focus is to highlight the inner strength a woman is gifted with. Living by the rules of the society is not any easier than breaking out of it. Both serve lot of hidden monsters. In my opinion, Percy and Mercy have displayed immense strength and I bow down to both of them for their courage to face the life they dared to live.

What I'd like to highlight is that, it doesn't really matter how you choose to brave through your adversities. Remember, it is YOU and ONLY YOU who knows what exactly you are dealing with and each one of us has a mind and brain exclusively designed for us. Weigh your options and stick to your choice.

However, the damaging part is when a Percy advises a Mercy to back out from the life she chooses to live, or vice versa. That can lead to the most undesirable results. Women, ought to be each others’ source of strength and support rather than be the worst criticizers of them all. Understand and respect the Percys and the Mercys. Both are very much important to building a great network.

I’ll stop on a lighter note. When I was dressing up for office the other day, my son who awes at my jewelry, was insistent on adorning my neck piece for a while. I most often succumb to such cute requests, but having run out of time, I had to decline it. I simply told him that it was girls’ stuff and that it was not meant for boys. Through the mirror, I could see my child in a dilemma of sorts. After a moment of thought he queried if I were a girl. Amused at his question, I admitted that I was. Next, he asked about himself. I pleasantly told him that he was a boy and a rather smart one! That answer drew a dark cloud over his face and before I knew he came pleading to permit him to be a girl!!!

It's true. Whether it is jewelry, clothes, emotions, inner strength, or a plethora of skills, women have so much at their disposal.Focus on your strength.

Explore what you have and what you are - take pride that you are a woman.


Madhusudan Joshi said...

A nice read!! Yes it is !!

I appreciate women for such abilities and i have respect for them from bottom of my heart.

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